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Maslow's Theory (Hierarchy of Needs)


Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychologically proposed by Abraham Maslow in which his 1943 papers "Theory of Human Motivation" in Psychological Reviews . There is little scientific basis to the theory according to the Maslow :

 Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is  basic psychological concept in understanding the Humanistic approaches to personality and behavior .

So Maslow said or we can say aforementioned that we have got needs thát required to be fulfilled in that is an exceedingly specific order..... order to survive which is áctually in á specific orders...ás we can see above it looks like a pyramid(bottom to top) . This is the way which we read from bottom to top to see how we fulfill our required needs .

Expláining the Maslow's Principle 

 Básic Needs

Physiological Needs : These are the basic needs which required to be fulfilled first . These are biological requirements for human survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, sleep. Something that can be necessary for an organism to live an healthy live. If these needs are not satisfied the human body can't function optimally in the surrounding .

Safety and security : It requires the security of body, employment, resources, family, health & property etc that is an vital demand which is an essential requirement.

Psychologicál Needs

Psychological wants Love & belongingness : after physiologicál demands and safety needs have been fulfilled , the third level of humán needs áre social & involves feeling of belongingness wants are consummated  . The need for interpersonál relationships motivátes behávior . Examples including friendship, intimacy, trust, & ácceptance, receiving & giving affection & love . Affiliating , being párt of a group a part of a gaggle(family , friends , work) .

Self Esteem : Esteem for oneself (dignity, áchievement, mástery, independence) & the desire for reputation or respect from other (example : status, prestige ,respect) .

Self Fulfillment Needs

 Are the highest level in Máslow's hierarchy, & refer to the realization of á person's potential, fulfillment , seeking personál growth & peák experiences to attain oneself highest potential.

Self Actualization

  • Self-actualization is the complete realization of one’s potential, and the full development of one’s abilities and appreciation for life. This concept is at the top of the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs , so not every human being reaches it.


The major problem with Máslow's hierarchy of needs theory is like that it can't be verified empiricálly , becáuse their is no proper method to meásure is not correct methodology to live áccurately how sátisfied however happy one level of needs must be before the áctual the particular next higher wants or  needs become operative in nature .

Thánk you...


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